By Aisha ALSalmi
Different characters in the series are viewed to be actively practicing a variety of religions. Most of the religiosity focuses on Christianity as Springfield is portrayed as being a Christian town. The Simpson’s family goes to church every Sunday even though it’s more of a habit rather than the question of faith. Their church is led by Reverend Lovejoy. The most religious characters in the show representing Christianity are Ned Flanders and Reverend Lovejoy. The Flanders represents the epitome of the conservative Christian Americans who have little tolerance to other faiths and sexualities under the claim that they are all hedonistic and those who practice such beliefs would go to hell.
One of the most talked-about episodes in Simpsons regarding Christianity that becomes more of a habit rather than the question of faith is Homer the Heretic found in the fourth season of the show. In this episode, Homer decides not to go to church and instead stay at home and enjoy his time alone. His wife, reverend Lovejoy and even the Flanders try to win him back to church but fail. Due to this, he faces the wrath of the almighty.
Another episode in Simpsons regarding Christianity is in season 13 “she of little faith” where Lisa Simpsons finally abandons Christianity after getting upset by the materialization of the church to join another religion away from the corruption despite her skepticism regarding organized religions. Lisa’s conversion to Buddhism brings about this next religion seen in this show.